Here is a list of some of the best Traditional Balinese healing, alternative medicine & holistic healing
1. Pak Sirkus (The Balinese Magic Man)
Pak Sirkus, a Balinese healer, is reputed to have performed miraculous healings and is known as Bali’s Magic Man. He uses a stick and his hands to locate and treat physical problems in the body, ranging from broken bones to severe pain and tension. By applying pressure with his stick between the toes, Pak Sirkus identifies different pressure points related to various body parts, and then uses natural oils, pressure point massages, and localized stretching to treat the problems. If you’re planning to visit Pak Sirkus, keep in mind that he is a very popular healer in Bali, and it’s best to arrive early as he works without appointments or fixed prices. His treatment methods can be painful but bearable, and serious injuries and ailments should be treated with care and caution. It is recommended to donate at least IDR 300,000 for his services. You can find him in his home on Jl Pantai Berawa, across from Pels Supershop.
Location: Jl Pantai Berawa
Open Hours: 15:00 PM – 21:00 PM
Contact: +62 812-4666-2212 | +62 819-1640-4222
2. Sami at Bali Chy Healing (Balinese Massage Healing)
Sami is a specialist in Balinese healing massage, as well as an Ayurvedic doctor, coach, and spiritual practitioner who practices at Bali Chy Healing. Sami uses a combination of holistic diagnostics and intuitive methods to identify areas of the body that are holding pain and tension, similar to deep tissue massage. Reflexology, acupressure, Reiki, chakra-balancing, and energy cleansing are all used by Sami to release built-up muscle tension and eliminate negative energy. He then devises a plan to address the problem. If you wish to schedule an appointment with Sami, you can do so through the Bali Chy Healing website, and each session lasts approximately 90 minutes at the Legian-based Bali Chy Healing center. The treatment may cause some discomfort depending on the state of your body, but it is manageable and well worth the effort. The cost of a single session is IDR 750,000.
Location: Tibubeneng, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung
Open Hours: 09:oo AM – 17:00 PM
Contact: +62 821-4560-0692
3. Agus Sihman (Balinese Palm Reading)
Agus Sihman is known for his extraordinarily long fingernails that curl and twist around themselves. However, his true fascination lies in his ability to read palms. During a reading, he will first examine your body and tell you things about yourself before moving on to your palm. Agus will explain what he sees and ask questions along the way, providing guidance on everything from relationships to important life choices and positive changes. Things to keep in mind before you visit: Agus Sihman conducts his readings in his colorful home, which is set in a beautiful garden. It’s recommended to book an appointment in advance, and you can choose from a 45-minute palm reading to a 2.5-hour aura cleansing and full body reading. His website has a complete list of services, as well as a booking form and directions. The cost of a palm reading starts at USD 40.
Location: Pondok Intan Asri, Jl. Ratih, Sedang, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Badung
Open Hours: 09:00 AM – 18:00 PM
Contact: +62 831-2995-3455
4. Ketut Arsana at Ubud Bodyworks Centre (Mahatma therapist & traditional Balinese healer)
Ketut Arsana established his healing center in 1987, which has now become renowned locally and internationally for his natural healing techniques. He combines Ayurveda and Bali Usadha to offer personalized treatments tailored to individual health and wellness needs. He starts by assessing your condition and performing a body scan to identify the most appropriate treatment. He then employs a variety of therapies, including acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, energy balancing, Chakra healing, and chiropractic manipulation. Things to know before visiting: Ketut Arsana’s treatments are available at the Ubud Bodyworks Centre, which can be booked via their website. You may select from the 30-minute Buddha Kecapi Usada or the 90-minute Soma Usada, which combines Buddha Kecapi Usada and lymphatic herbal scrubbing. The cost for the treatments begins at IDR 650,000.
Location: Jl. Hanoman No.25, Ubud, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar
Open Hours: 11:00 AM – 20:00 PM
Contact: (0361) 971393
5. Jero Balian Mangku I Wayan Sumawijawa (traditional Balinese healer & spiritual ceremony leader)
If you’re interested in a spiritual-based healing experience, you may consider visiting Jero Balian Mangku Sumawijaya, who has been a traditional healer since 1964 and has helped patients with various health issues such as cancer, hernias, and hepatitis. He believes that all “real” Balians should help anyone in need, regardless of their background, and offers healing through rituals, herbal therapy, or spiritual consultation. What to know before you go: Visiting Jero Balian Mangku Sumawijaya’s home may require some effort, so it’s recommended to bring a local friend to help with directions. He opens his home to visitors seeking healing on Bali’s holy days (Kajeng Kliwon) at 4 pm, at his house located in Banjar Sigaran, Mekar Bhuana village, Abiansemal. Although he may not charge for his services due to his beliefs, it’s recommended to make a donation as a token of appreciation.
Location: Jalan Kenanga III No.mor 11, Banjar Sigaran, Mekar Bhuwana, Kec. Abiansemal, Kabupaten Badung
Open Hours: 09:00 AM – 19:00 PM
Contact: +62 858-5874-1445
6. Kadek Sutarna (spiritual guide & energy healer)
To those who have lived in Ubud for some time, Kadek Sutarna may be a familiar face seen at various festivals and markets. Since he was young, Kadek has developed the ability to read a person’s energetic connections, also known as body scanning, and uses it to enhance one’s health, emotions, and mental clarity. Kadek provides various services based on individual needs, including body scanning, healing consultations, spiritual advice, intuitive healing, and water blessings. If you plan to visit Kadek Sutarna, he offers personalized sessions at his home in Ubud, and occasionally appears at special events. To book a session, you can contact him through his Instagram account. The cost of treatment depends on the type of service you choose.
Location: Jl. Raya Lungsiakan No.2, Kedewatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar
Open Hours: –
Contact: +62 813-3993-4994
7. Pak Merta Ada at Bali Usada Health Meditation
Do you believe in mind over matter? At Pak Merta Ada’s meditation center, you can learn how to achieve holistic health from within. Since 1993, he has taught over 127,000 people, both locally and internationally, in England, Germany, and New Zealand. Pak Merta Ada specializes in Bali Usada health meditation techniques, which is an integrative meditation practice believed to heal various ailments by achieving a harmonious mind. Here’s what you need to know before visiting: In Sanur, Pak Merta Ada and his team offer several programs and retreats both in-person and online. The center’s Joint Practice is available to the public without registration, while the Meditation Programs require registration, which can be found on their website. Prices vary depending on the program you choose.
Location: Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.328, Sanur, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar
Open Hours: Monday – Friday 09-00 AM – 17:00 PM | Saturday 09:00 AM- 14:00 PM
Contact: +62 816-5712-53
Keywords: mr sirkus balinese healer, kadek sutarna, sirkus di bali, pak sirkus, traditional balinese healing center, bali chy healing canggu, best healers in bali, balinese healer ubud, agus bali palm reader, pak man healer bali
Wow, list ini sangat informatif! Aku penasaran banget sama Pak Sirkus, denger-denger beliau beneran magic dalam penyembuhan tradisional.
Sami di Bali Chy Healing kayaknya cocok banget buat aku yang sering tegang otot. Reflexology dan Reiki sounds amazing!
Aku selalu tertarik dengan palm reading, dan Agus Sihman kayaknya punya vibe unik banget dengan kuku panjangnya.
Ketut Arsana di Ubud Bodyworks Centre kedengerannya profesional banget. Gabungan Ayurveda dan Bali Usadha pasti powerful.
Aku baru tahu ada healing ceremony tradisional dari Jero Balian Mangku I Wayan. Sounds like a spiritual journey!
Kadek Sutarna menawarkan sesuatu yang berbeda, terutama dengan water blessing dan spiritual advice. Harus coba ini di Ubud!
Pak Merta Ada punya cara yang keren banget untuk menyembuhkan lewat meditasi. Aku mau coba retreat nya di Sanur.
Daftar ini lengkap banget! Aku jadi tahu banyak pilihan healing dari berbagai teknik tradisional dan modern di Bali.
Menarik banget cara Pak Sirkus kerja tanpa appointment. Pasti seru banget experience nya!
Agus Sihman beneran bikin penasaran. Palm reading-nya pasti insightful banget.
Aku suka ide healing yang deep seperti yang dilakukan Sami di Bali Chy. Aku mau booking sesinya segera!
Ketut Arsana punya banyak teknik healing, dari cupping sampai chakra balancing. Lengkap banget.
Aku pernah denger soal Jero Balian, tapi baru tahu detailnya dari sini. Healing lewat ritual kayaknya sangat otentik.
Kadek Sutarna menawarkan pendekatan yang lebih personal dan intuitif. Cocok untuk mereka yang mencari guidance spiritual.
Meditasi dengan Pak Merta Ada kedengerannya menenangkan sekaligus menyembuhkan. Great option for self care!
Serius, aku mau banget coba sesi dengan Agus Sihman. Palm reading itu selalu menarik buatku.
Bali Chy Healing kayaknya tempat yang pas buat recharge setelah aktivitas padat di Bali.
Healing journey di Ubud Bodyworks Centre pastinya unforgettable. Ketut Arsana adalah legend!
Jero Balian Mangku benar-benar embody wisdom tradisional Bali. Healing nya terasa sangat meaningful.
Aku suka bagaimana Kadek Sutarna bisa baca energi kita dan menawarkan solusi yang personalized.
Meditasi di Bali Usada sounds life changing. Aku suka healing yang melibatkan pikiran dan tubuh.
Pak Sirkus punya metode unik banget dengan stick nya. Ini pengalaman yang gak boleh dilewatkan.
Sami di Bali Chy Healing kedengerannya profesional banget. Perfect untuk aku yang butuh relaksasi.
Agus Sihman kayaknya bisa kasih clarity lewat palm reading nya. Aku mau coba sesinya!
Chakra healing di Ubud Bodyworks Centre dengan Ketut Arsana pasti bikin energi lebih balance.
Ritual healing dari Jero Balian Mangku terasa sangat spiritual. Aku pengen coba untuk connect lebih dalam.
Kadek Sutarna offers something very different. Intuitive healing and water blessings are so intriguing!
Bali Usada dengan Pak Merta Ada adalah cara yang luar biasa untuk menenangkan pikiran sambil healing tubuh.
Aku amazed banget sama keahlian Pak Sirkus. Healing dengan metode tradisional seperti ini pasti berkesan.
Daftar ini benar-benar membuka wawasan tentang metode healing di Bali. Semuanya worth trying!